Thursday, March 4, 2010

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Embrace Life video

Just watch. No further comment needed.

Saturday, February 27, 2010


I realize that it's been several months since my last post. I do plan to continue the thought I started in that one ... it's aging like a fine wine, so when I do write I hope it will be worth reading!

In the meantime, I'm writing to encourage you to check out MANA. This is what I've been doing full-time for the past year along with my friend and former Ugandan teammate Mark Moore. Here's the low-down: 20 million children are afflicted with severe acute malnutrition every year, and 1-2 million of those will die. However, there is a solution! It's called RUTF (Ready-to-Use Therapeutic Food), and it's proven to save the lives of children with this disease. We've completed our plans to make this in the U.S. and in Rwanda. Over the next three years, we aim to serve 1.1 million children. If you want more information, go to the MANA website or email me.

If you're interested in contributing to help provide MANA for kids who need it, go here. You can also find a MANA fan page on Facebook. Help us spread the word so that more children can get this life-saving product!